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This is Undergrad Dad

Updated: Aug 18, 2023

My name is Hamilton. I’m 27 years old, married to an incredible woman, we have a child together, and I’ve decided to return to college to finish my bachelor’s degree after a seven year absence.

This blog will be chronicling the untraditional journey of being a parent while pursuing an undergraduate degree. I want to write about this subject for a couple of reasons:

First, to hopefully offer some sort of resource to people in my similar position, because I know how isolating it can feel at times. I know I sometimes neglect my own need to reach out, but my hope is that other non-traditional students read this and get some sort of reprieve. My second reason is maybe a tad self-indulgent, but I think getting these thoughts and feelings out there will help me too.

It’ll still be fun though! I might answer questions like, “What’s it REALLY like taking a baby to a sporting event?” or “How ACTUALLY helpful are in-laws?”

So there it is, an intro. I also might shoe-horn in some stereotypical dude stuff, like automobiles and baseball- you know, for the dads. This is a pretty wild ride, grab a seat (and some earplugs).


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